New RFID Features for Locera

Our Devs, who just keep making Locera better and easier to use, have released a bunch of sweet new RFID features available to all users!
Getting Started with Zero Integration
Locera is a turnkey SaaS that requires none of that time and money commitment, hence “zero integration”. It’s already built and ready to start displaying your data from day one.
Turn-key RFID Solutions and Enterprise Resource Planning
3 key things to consider on your journey to an automated RFID system that will increase value, and gain adoption of the changes.
Locera API: Location Intelligence Made Easy
KAASM, a technology company headquartered in Seattle, has announced the release of Locera, a location-based SaaS offering. Locera aims to transform how industrial companies operate by enabling the use of location intelligence.
Open Sourced RFID Integration via OPC UA
RFID support has been added to extend our cloud-native location software package. RFID support rounds out the location and identification feature set and further extends the Locera platform as the hub for location data access and sharing.
RFID Automation Journey
3 key things to consider on your journey to an automated RFID system that will increase value, and gain adoption of the changes.
RFID in the Wild
There are other obvious uses for RFID, like asset management, building access control, but just as many “non-traditional” applications exist that run the gamut from “Say What?” to “Why didn’t I think of that!”.
Locera 2.0 Released!
KAASM announced the release of Locera 2.0, it’s cloud-native RTLS and RFID SaaS. This release brings Locera into its final form as the monarch of location and identification data.
Locera v1.1 Released!
KAASM has announced the release of Locera expanding the capabilities of the cloud-native location intelligence app.
Locera Now Supports RFID
RFID support has been added to extend our cloud-native location software package. RFID support rounds out the location and identification feature set and further extends the Locera platform as the hub for location data access and sharing.