Why Webhooks Are Awesome!
What good is location data if it’s stuck in a silo? In addition to the robust API, Locera 2.0 now supports Webhooks, making it easier than ever to unleash the power of automated location data into any system or workflow.
Locera 2.0 Released!
KAASM announced the release of Locera 2.0, it’s cloud-native RTLS and RFID SaaS. This release brings Locera into its final form as the monarch of location and identification data.
Locera v1.1 Released!
KAASM has announced the release of Locera expanding the capabilities of the cloud-native location intelligence app.
Contact Tracing with Location Intelligence SaaS
KAASM, a technology company headquartered in Seattle, has announced the release of Locera, a location-based SaaS offering. Locera aims to transform how industrial companies operate by enabling the use of real-time location data.
Real-Time Location Software as a Service
KAASM, a technology company headquartered in Seattle, has announced the release of Locera, a location-based SaaS offering. Locera aims to transform how industrial companies operate by enabling the use of real-time location data.